Parent Resources


We love the Springridge community and the involvement and support of our parents. Please feel free to contact us, or talk with us in person, if you have any concerns or questions.

Handbook for Parents

Please download our latest handbook for parents below.

Funding information

Springridge funds its programs through parent fees, the Child Care Operating Funding Program through the provincial government, as well as fundraising events & donations (see below). Springridge also receives additional funding through the BC Gaming Grant.

Springridge accepts subsidies.

Donate to Our Centre

Springridge Early Childhood Centre is a registered non-profit society. We are committed to finding creative ways to continue to offer quality, affordable childcare in Victoria. The number of volunteer hours it takes to support our society is growing. Can you find a way to contribute?

Donate Now: We rely on our community and our families to raise funds. As a registered charity, tax receipts can be issued for contributions. Funds donated to Springridge Early Childcare Centre will be used to ensure the continued high-quality care that we provide and the enrichment of our daily programming.